How to teach yourself UX design

My desk

First of all, I have to confess that my UX design skill was not completely “self-taught.” I have in total 3 years of higher education in design. Simply put, this is not a “how-to-land-a-decent-job-without-a-degree” story. I did learn a lot in school in terms of research, critique and collaboration. Nevertheless, I found that all successful people I knew in the industry are incredible self-learners. On top of that, I realized a lot of design skills and knowledge can be learned, or even have to be learned, outside of the classroom.

I started to self-educate for design while studying an unrelated major (business) in college. At the beginning, design was just one of my hobbies, which kept growing to an extent that I wanted to turn it into a full-time career. Since then I’ve been constantly searching for online resources and tutorials for improvement, learning from those who are ahead of me in the industry, mostly for free!

Looking back, I’m extremely blessed to be in the field where most people are open to knowledge and experience sharing, which made it possible for me to put together my first portfolio to apply for design school and eventually switch my path. Up until now, having been in the industry for a few years, I’m still utilizing the online resources to a great extent.

Many people have asked me how to start pursuing a UX career when they are not yet part of the community. My answer to this question is simple — “What qualifies to be a designer is to design.” Half-joking, but somewhat true. In the following, I’ve put together a must-read list for UX self-beginners as well as some personal notes indicating how I started. My goal is not to overwhelm you with another list of UX resources, but to share the essentials that I’ve personally gone through and found deeply inspiring.

The Theory

What is UX design

Design process

  • [Article] An Introduction to Design Thinking Process Guide (by Hasso Plattener from Stanford The design iteration process going through empathizing with users, defining problems, ideation, prototyping solutions and testing.

  • [Video] Virtual Crash Course Video (by Stanford In 90 minutes you will be taken through a full design cycle by participating in The Gift-Giving Project.

  • [Book] Basics Design 08: Design Thinking (by Gavin Ambrose and Paul Harris): Introduce seven steps of the design process — define, research, ideate, prototype, select, implement and learn.

  • [Book] The Field Guide to Human-Centered Design (by IDEO): A step-by-step guide that will get you solving problems like a designer, going through the process from Inspiration to Ideation to Implementation. PDF free to download from

  • [Video] IDEO Shopping Cart Project: I’ve been asked to watch this video at least 4+ times in different classes throughout my design education.

  • [Website] The design sprint (by Google Ventures): The sprint is a five-day process for answering critical business questions through design, prototyping, and testing ideas with customers. This process is super useful for fast-pace organizations and start-ups.

Design/research methods

Product design

Web design

UI design

In the UI design world, many interactions have been thought out with extensive research supports. There’s no need to reinvent the wheel.

When I just get started on UI design, I read both Google and Apple’s design guidelines word for word (the previous version of course). It helped to establish the initial understanding of a “UI system”. Later on, I’d refer back to certain components to draw inspirations of interactions when I get stuck.

  • [Website] Material Design Guidelines: Google’s visual language guidelines draw inspiration from the physical world.

  • [Website] iOS Human Interface Guidelines: Apple’s visual language guidelines outline expectations for quality and functionality. I have read both Google and Apple’s guidelines word for word and often revisit particular sections when looking for specific UI recommendations.

Graphic design

Motion design

Design Tool

How to learn

I found that watching online tutorials is the most efficient way to learn a new design software. You can put your screen next to the instructors’ and shadow the technique in real time and at your own pace. There are many websites (free or subscription) providing countless design tutorials for a wide variety of topics:, Tuts+, Skillshare, Udemy, Coursera, to name a few.

Whenever I need to learn a new tool, I usually go to these sites and complete at least one essential training for that tool (3–8 hours). Doing this should be enough to get the grasp of the basics and start “playing around” with the software. In addition to that, I would periodically follow courses that I’m interest in to expand the range of my techniques.

What to learn

  • Graphic design: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Affinity. (Affinity is a newly risen software I personally use that’s very similar to Adobe programs but with a much more affordable rate)

  • Interface design: Sketch. I use Sketch for making both wireframes and high-fidelity screens. Design + Code (first half) is a great e-book course for mobile design using Sketch.

  • Interactive prototyping: I recommend using InVision to build simple “hot-spot” prototypes, and Principle or Framer to build more customized and complex prototypes.

  • Animation / Video demo: Adobe After Effects. This program includes all you need for making animating icons or product demo videos.

Front-end Development

How to learn

It has been a long debate on “if designers need to know how to code.” Based on my own experience, learning how to code not only helps me design working interfaces, but also makes me gain empathy with developers’ work. With that said, my answer is — Yes, designers should learn as much coding as they can!

I think the key of learning programing is to have a clear goal in mind — usually a personal project you are dying to finish. In my case, I started learning programming because I wanted to hand-code my portfolio site. I iterated through probably five versions of my site during the course of the first 3 months. I basically treated my site as an experimental canvas, implementing new features whenever I learned new tricks. This process made me stay motivated and really absorb the materials.

What to learn

I recommend beginning with HTML/CSS and move on to JavaScript. HTML is like the skeleton of a website, and CSS governs how different bones locate and look like. With JavaScript, you can add interactivity to make the website more useful and delightful.

If you know nothing about web programming, FreeCodeCamp is a great place to start (and its free!). The first “Responsive Web Design Certification (300 hours)” can go a long way for designers. With this knowledge, you will be able to customize your portfolio site by code, and differentiate your site from other cookie cutter templates. The thing I really like about this course is that it allows you to start coding and get hands-on experience right away. It’s easier to gain the momentum by actually doing stuff.

In addition to FreeCodeCamp, there are many other options to learn web programming: Treehouse,, Udemy, Code School, Codecademy.

The Industry

Design Inspiration:

  • Dribbble: The top-notch online community for visual/UI design. Currently, you’ll need an invitation from a member in the Dribbble community to start sharing your work. Don’t be shy to ask for one!

  • Behance: A community similar to Dribbble except that an invitation is not required to start showcasing your work.

  • Pinterest: Digital pin boards for images. I personally use Pinterest to collect design inspirations that I come across on the Internet. It becomes my personalized collection to jump start a project.

Design/tech trends:

Design career:

Design/product writing:

Design podcast:

Design event:

Meetup and Eventbrite should cover most of the design events in your local area. I particularly like to go to companies’ open house events, because it’s a natural way to get to know the company and its employees without being perceived as overly aggressive. For popular events, tickets usually run out fast, so make sure to have notifications set up.

So…how much does this cost?

Not much for me (probably not much for you either). Most of the links above are already public and free. I’ve been borrowing most books from libraries. For tutorials, my alma mater and local library both grant me free access to The only unavoidable cost is the design software, which I considered as an investment in my profession.

As a closing remark, this list only reflects my personal learning journey so far. I believe there are many other great works out there. I intend to keep editing this list if good stuff come up. Hope you enjoy this ride! :)

(This article was also published on Medium)


  1. Hi Kai-Ting,
    I just came across your blog today and so far I’m really enjoying myself on your site! From the simple yet inviting layout to the highly informational content, it’s been great learning about your experiences abroad as well as your career story. I’m in the midst of figuring out what I want to do with my life after a undergrad degree so the resources that you have kindly put together and shared is very helpful. Just want to drop a note to thank you for sharing your story thus far.
    Happy holidays!

  2. Hi Kaitung,
    I looked at your Medium posts and the blog posts here and I am so inspired. I am getting a Computer Engineering degree and struggling whether I should take the Master of Interactive Design afterwards. Seems like there are abundant resources for us to learn UI/UX online but not sure if the market welcomes a software developer without Design background to be UI/UX designer. Anyway, thanks for your fruitful information!

    1. Hi Simon,
      In general, people with multi-disciplinary backgrounds are welcome in the HCI/Design community. I’d say CS degree specifically is actually a huge plus because you have a better understanding of how digital products work under the hood, which of course will improve your systematic thinking. If you feel confident about your general design sense, then just go for it! Having a non-design degree isn’t really an issue. Good luck!

  3. Hi Kaiting!
    Came across your Medium article a little while back. Your blog is extremely inspiring and informative for someone like myself who does not have a design background, either (I studied economics for undergrad). As someone who is self-learning UX/UI design and trying to build a portfolio, this helps immensely! Thank you so much for such an articulate list of resources! Really really appreciate it!

  4. Hello Kaiting,

    Thank you for taking time to share you journey into UX design! I plan transition into the industry with a non-traditional background and attend the HCDE program at UW. I use your site often and find this article so valuable! You are an incredible writer and thoughtful leader. Thank you again for the inspiration!



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